We Are Priceless, Not Worthless

We call Jesus Christ our Savior. I think sometimes we imagine that Christ saves us against His better judgment, because He loves us so deeply and utterly and completely. We might often imagine ourselves as bad bets, poor investments, unprofitable servants. We fail so often and so spectacularly and are always racking up debts for Christ to pay off, that we can’t imagine any sane reason for Him to save us. But almost always when we talk about saving, it’s something valuable. We save our money. We save a seat for a friend. We save dessert for last. We almost never save anything that isn’t of great worth. As Marie Kondo would put it, we shouldn’t save anything that doesn’t “spark joy.” Well, that is exactly what Christ is doing. The worth of our souls is great in His eyes. He would not have suffered an infinite amount if He did not believe with every fiber of His being that we were worth it. He does not save us as an afterthought, or because He’s doing us a favor, or because He wants to spite Satan. Just as we save things that are valuable, Christ saves us because we are valuable. We are not worthless. We are Priceless. Christ wants and values and needs us more than we can possibly imagine, and that is why He saves us. He has a great and a marvelous work to do and He cannot do it without us. Saving us was never a detour or backtrack or side gig or inconvenient errand. The Plan of Salvation doesn’t work without a single one of us. Christ didn’t Atone for just some of us or most of us but for all of us. There wasn’t a single one of us whom He appraised and said, no, that one’s not worth it. Christ saves us because we have been and will always be worth saving.


We Don’t Have to Drink Alone


Spiritual Momentum