The Way, The Truth, And The Life

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6). Jesus Christ invites us to come follow Him. As we strive to walk the gospel path, as we seek to make His ways our ways, as we do His will, then we will know of the doctrine, we will align our thoughts with His thoughts, and we will unlock the plain and precious truths of the gospel. And as we grow in understanding and knowledge of our Savior and embrace truth in all of its infinite, multifaceted splendor, then we begin to embody the ultimate reason for our creation and we begin to live life in the manner that our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ intended. The Way leads to the Truth which leads to the Life. We must first go forth with faith, not understanding beforehand, but humbly submitting to the wisdom of our Father. As we continue in faithfulness and diligence, understanding comes line upon line. We grow from grace to grace and comprehend and embrace and embody Truth. As our faith becomes a perfect knowledge and we trust in the Lord with all our heart, we begin to offer our whole souls and consecrate every moment of our lives to God's work and His glory, and God in turn entrusts us with more of His power and responsibility and helps us to more fully live our lives to the fullest and fulfill the measure of our creation. Christ is the Way. He will be with us through every step of our journey, always ready and eager to pick us up when we fall down and strengthen our feeble knees and carry us in His arms when we can't go on. Christ is the Truth. He will elevate our joys and enrich our sorrows and give true, ultimate, undeniable meaning to every moment of our existence with the brilliant, piercing light of Truth. Christ is the Life. Our highest hopes, our most cherished dreams, our greatest expectations and our dearest ambitions for our lives are vanishingly small compared to the Life that our beloved Savior has prepared for us, and if we follow in His Way and learn and embody His Truth, then He will help us to live His Life for us, which passeth all understanding and is more glorious than we can imagine and more wonderful than we can bear.


Unbelief Vs Disbelief


The Glad Reapers