Love the Lord with all our Mites

When the widow cast in her two mites, the Savior said that she had given more money to the temple than anyone else because she had given all that she had. I was thinking about this in the context of how much of our time we give to the temple. We may look at those who are at the temple every day and always seem to find more family names than they know what to do with, and think that our own efforts to serve in the temple aren't even worth it. Maybe all we can manage is going to the temple once a month. Maybe all we can give is to drive by the temple. Maybe all we can give is to look at a picture of the temple. These may seem vanishingly small, worth no more than the two mites offered up by the widow, but if it's all we can give, then it is more than enough. The Lord just wants us to give all that we can, whether it be time or talents or money, and if our all seems tiny to us, it nevertheless looms large in the eyes of our Savior.


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