Peace, Be Still
When the panicked apostles roused Jesus from His slumber begging Him to save them from the storm threatening to drag them under, Christ said, "Peace, be still." And the winds and the waves gave heed to His words and the sea became calm and still. But I don't believe that Christ was talking only to the raging storm. I believe that primarily He was talking to His disciples. Because even if He didn't miraculously calm the storm, even if the winds continued to rage and the waves continued to shake their little boat almost to pieces, yet still if Jesus told His disciples to have peace, and be still, they ought to have listened. What did they think? That the Messiah would allow them to drown before their missions were complete? There have been many times in each of our lives that we, like those disciples, have cried out, Master, carest thou not that we perish?" And I can guarantee that if we took the time to listen, whether or not the storms raging against us miraculously calmed or continued to blow despite our anguished pleas, we could have heard the Master say, Peace, be still. We may feel lost and alone, we may feel like we are drowning, but always, always, always, our Savior is with us. He may not always take away the storm outside, but if we allow ourselves to trust Him and let Him in, He will take away the storm inside. Of course He cares if we perish, and He will not allow us to do so before our time. So next time the storm is raging, let's listen to Jesus when He says, Peace, be still.