Whether Is Greater, The Gift, Or The Altar That Sanctifieth The Gift

“Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift?” (Matthew 23:19). I think that sometimes we get tricked into believing that our offerings are unworthy or beneath the notice of the Lord. Anything we do will be too small to be of use or appreciated. But which is greater, the gift, or the altar that sanctifieth the gift? Which is greater, our own meager powers and abilities, or the Lord’s? All that the Lord requires is that we offer him our very best. Our very best may seem inadequate and insufficient. It probably is. But that’s not the point. It has never been about how great our own gift is, but how much greater it can become once we have laid it on the altar and the Lord has sanctified our gift and added to it all of His power and wisdom and grace. Every sincere and heartfelt act of charity will be sanctified and magnified by the Lord. We should never silence that still, small voice inside of us urging us to do good, no matter how inexperienced or out of our depth or small we may feel. Our gift that we offer may appear small at first, but God is far, far greater, and He will multiply our efforts to cange the world in ways we can’t even begin to imagine.


What Will Ye That I Should Prepare For You That Ye May Have Light


Kick Against The Pricks