Have the Faith to Stay Curious

To have reverence means to feel awe or wonder. To wonder means to be curious. To be curious means to be excited or interested to learn more and know better. When the Lord invites us to learn of Him, He is ultimately inviting us to show reverence to Him. The more that we are curious about our Heavenly Father and His works and His ways and His thoughts, the more wonder and awe and reverence and love we will feel for Him. Someone who is curious about God will not place arbitrary limits on God's wisdom or power. Someone who sees a child with cancer, or a senseless slaughter, or any number of evil or cruel or unbearably miserable circumstances and situations and then concludes that God cannot possibly exist or if He does then He's unbelievably callous or sadistic - that person has ceased to be curious. They wonder no more. But if we can choose to hold on to our curiosity, no matter how bleak or depressing or horrible our situation may be, if we can say in our hearts, I wonder how a loving Heavenly Father will make this right, make this better, make this worth having gone through, then our curiosity will not go unrewarded. We will be surprised, shocked, stunned, in awe of the unimaginable, unthinkable, indescribable grace. We will stand all amazed and then sink to our knees in overwhelming reverence and humility and gratitude at the wonders and marvels and miracles that the Lord will reveal to us, because we had the faith to stay curious and trust that God knows what He's doing.


Children in the Arms of a Loving God


When Our Strength Fails, Let God Be Our Strength