We often focus on the fact that Jesus Christ died for our sins. And we should! It is a supreme act of love to lay down one's life for another, let alone for billions and billions. But as we commemorate on Easter Sunday Jesus Christ's Resurrection, it is important to remember to focus also on the fact that Jesus Christ lives for us. I do not mean only that we ought to be grateful that He brought about the Resurrection and thanks to Him we all shall live again after we have died, although we should in fact be grateful for this. I mean that we should remember that because Christ lives even to this day that He lives for us. His work and His glory, all of His attention and energy and His whole reason for being is to bring about our immortality and eternal life. We live in a glorious time that we know that we have a living Savior who is actively seeking to make our lives better in every single way. It is wonderful and awe inspiring and deeply humbling to know that Christ died for our sins but it is even more wonderful still to know that He is alive and working right now to help all of us find peace and happiness each and every day.