We Who Endure

When we consider the principle of enduring to the end, we typically assume that this means that we must endure until we have reached our end. In other words, we endure as long as we possibly can, but eventually we reach our end, and then, we suppose, we must endure no more since we have come to the end. But we are Eternal Beings. We have no end. The mountains may depart, and the hills be removed, and the whole earth burn up and the elements melt with fervent heat, and the heavens rolled together as a scroll, and yet, after all of these things have ended, we shall endure. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but we shall endure. When we endure to the end, it is not to our end that we must endure, but to the end of all other things. The Pyramids of Giza have lasted for thousands of years. We shall outlast them. The Milky Way Galaxy has lasted for billions of years. We shall outlast it. We are tricked into assuming that enduring to the end is some desperate last stand against impossible odds, that we are fighting the long defeat, that we will lose in the end but perhaps we can lose with dignity and grace, but the exact opposite is true. Those that are with us are more than those that are against us. The odds are long, it is true, but they are in our favor. We we embrace our Savior Jesus Christ and wrap ourselves in His power and strength, we will bear witness as trial after trial, enemy after enemy, crisis after crisis all end and vanish like wisps of mist under the blinding light of the noonday sun. As we exercise faith and repent and honor our covenants and qualify for and bless our lives with the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, the enduring to the end will take care of itself. After all, we are eternal. Enduring is what we do.


Fig Leaves No More


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