More Than Conquerors
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Romans 8:37). If our goal is to conquer the natural man, or the weaknesses of the flesh, or the sins that do easily beset us, then we are aiming too low. Christ intends us to be “more than conquerors.” We were sent to this Earth not only to resist evil, nor merely to overcome evil, nor simply to eradicate evil. This is not the Savior’s way. If the Great Plan was to get rid of evil, then each of us would be justly smitten by a lightning bolt of righteous fury and divine wrath mere moments after we reached the age of accountability. Through the infinite power of His Atonement and the boundless eternity of His love, Jesus Christ provided a better way. We may often wish that Christ could purge from our memories and from the world any evidence or collateral damage caused by our terrible mistakes. This would be a way for us to conquer our weaknesses and our sins. But through Christ we can become more than conquerors. Instead of erasing the ugly mess we have made, Christ will help us to translate and transform and transcend our ugliness into a deeper, higher, holier beauty than we could have possibly imagined. We may often pray that Christ could simply rip out our fears and angers and lusts and rebellious tendencies, but instead Christ will build our weaknesses into strengths, if we let Him. If we allow Christ’s love to flow through us, if we let Him in, then He will do more than conquer our sins and our weaknesses. He will console our griefs, consume our fears, construct our character, concentrate our virtues, consecrate our struggles, contend with our doubts, collect our hopes, cultivate our faith and convey our souls to dwell with Him and with our Heavenly Father for all eternity.