Take More Fully the Name of Christ
In the last couple of years there has been a great effort in referring to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the correct way. When the Nephites were struggling with the name of their church, the Savior reminded them that they are commanded in the scriptures to take upon them the name of Christ. The efforts of the Church at large to ensure that in everything from websites to colleges to tabernacle choirs it is clear that in every possible aspect this is the Church of Jesus Christ are an example to each of us in how we should make renewed efforts to ensure that every aspect of our lives makes it clear that we have taken the name of Christ upon us. Every time we take an extra moment to utter the full name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or correct someone who attempts to shorten or alter it, we are reminding ourselves to take an extra moment to more fully and completely take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, and thus also, to take upon ourselves the responsibilities of always striving to keep the Commandments and remember Him, and to take upon us the cleansing and enabling power of the Atonement that we may always have His Spirit to be with us.