Seeing The Full Picture

To view the world with rose-tinted glasses is to look out with an almost naive sense of optimism, overlooking or actively ignoring anything that is sad or unpleasant. On the other hand, to focus so much on the negative and everything that is wrong with society that we disregard anything good or decent would be to look at the world through blue-tinted glasses. Interestingly enough, in the early days of 3D films, in order to get the 3D effect while watching the film, it was necessary to have glasses that were both rose- and blue-tinted. If we only look through rose-tinted glasses, or only through blue-tinted glasses, then we are going to experience a flat picture of the world. But if we put on 3D glasses and acknowledge that there is and always will be both good and evil in front of us, then we will get to see the full picture jumping out at us. However bad things get, there is and always will be some good left in it. And however good things are right now, sooner or later something sad or tragic will throw a wrench in things. Finding a moment to laugh in the midst of mourning does not cheapen our grief or our love for those who lost. Having an intense but ultimately productive altercation in the middle of a trip does not have to ruin our vacation. We can find the good and the bad in all situations when we are committed to seeing the full picture and embracing all that life has to offer.


Sins No More


Behold These Things