Through the Water the Light Is Revealed

God gave the rainbow as a token or remembrance of the Earth's baptism by water. After the flood, the Earth was born again and the rainbow is in remembrance of that. A rainbow thus can be seen as a symbol of being baptized and born again. A rainbow works because light traveling through the sky hits droplets of water and is diffracted. Through the water the light is revealed in all of its multi-hued glory. When the Savior explained to Nicodemus the importance of being baptized and born again, He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3). Just as through water we can see the full spectrum of colors in a rainbow of light, so too through the waters of baptism can we see the full spectrum of Heaven's light. God wanted to remind Noah and us every time that we saw the rainbow to think of the Earth being born again, but also to remind each of us about being born again ourselves. Every time we renew our baptismal covenants and are born again, we can see once more the full rainbow of God's light and His love.


The Ark


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