The End From The Beginning

I can't imagine the terrifying responsibility it would be to know perfectly the end from the beginning as our Father in Heaven does. It would be heartbreaking to see one's children struggle and finally succeed only to know them so well as to know that their success is temporary and they will plunge back into sin and misery. But the reverse is also true. It must be terrible to love us as deeply as He does and to watch us suffer but He has the sure knowledge that our struggle is temporary and we will see the light once more… Until we rebel again, but then we repent again. That is why God calls securing our immortality and eternal life His work and glory. Knowing the end from the beginning means taking the time in the moment of triumph to glory and revel in our accomplishment, even with the knowledge that the goodness won't last, and also rolling up His sleeves and going to work in the moment of sin, knowing that it is only a matter of time before we repent and return to Him. Even though we can't see the end from the beginning, we can adopt our Heavenly Father's approach and take the time to rejoice and savor our moments of triumph knowing that they will not last forever, and also when we fail and fall, instead of wallowing in defeat and assuming that our misery will never end, we go to work and trust that there is an end to dark days and we will go from work to glory once more. It is OK if we have to keep switching back and forth between work and glory, between failure and success, between rebellion and repentance. God saw all of our best and worst moments in the Beginning and He still considered it worth His time and ours to send us to Earth to experience the work and glory of bringing about our immortality and eternal life.




Jacob and Esau