Love Gives The Pain Meaning

If the Plan of Happiness is made possible through pain, on an even deeper level it only is possible because of love. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Christ had no greater love than to lay down His life for His friends. He would not have been able to drain that bitter cup to the dregs if He was not sustained by His love for us. Love does not magically dissolve the pain, or make us immune to its effects. Love gives the pain meaning. We suffer because we love God and we love ourselves and we love our neighbors as ourselves. We are all committed to living in harmony and love together for all eternity as one united, loving family, and such a glorious destination is worth a little pain along the way. But this is about more than eating our vegetables now so we can have our dessert later. To have a heart filled with love is to have a heart open to the full range of our current experience. We see and feel the full range, all that is good and bad, terrible and delightful about our present circumstances. But not only this, but love has a way of softening the harsh aspects and enhancing the pleasant aspects of our current experience. When we love someone, we see them for who they really are and who they are really trying to be. We see past the insecurities and the frailties, past all of the baggage that an often unkind world has dumped on them. Love can not take away our pain but it can help us to see beyond the pain, around the pain, through the pain. This life is bitter and sweet, and we can wince every time the bitterness seems to overpower the sweetness, or we can learn to love the rich, full, dark chocolate flavor.


Show Unto Them Their Weakness


The Plan Of Happiness Works Even When We’re Not Happy