The Truth Shall Set Us Free

In his essay "On Fairy-Stories", J.R.R. Tolkien explains that the derogatory label of "escapist" applied to certain kinds of literature and other works of art is a misunderstanding of the difference between a deserter, who flees from duty and abandons any sense of honor or moral high ground, and one who escapes, as from prison or bondage, which, in the case of a prisoner of war, for example, represents not only courage and heroism but a moral imperative. If we read "escapist" literature, then this is only a problem if the "real world" is all that there is. If we are locked into this time bound, flesh and blood, fully explained under the scientific method, collection of neurons firing randomly, entropic aberration of a big bang hastening toward a heat death, there is no ultimate meaning or truth, this brief mortal life is all that we get kind of reality, then escaping even for a moment would be the same as us abandoning our post and retreating into unreal, imaginary worlds as some kind of numbing agent to help us deal with the ultimate meaninglessness of our existence. However, if, on the other hand, the "real world" is but a shadow, a small and passing thing, and beyond it is truth and joy and beauty, then escape is not only a good idea but absolutely essential. We are shrouded in a veil as we make our way through this life. We see through a glass darkly. We ought to escape from these mists of darkness. And yes, one of the ways we do this is through fantasy novels and fairy stories and "escapist" art and literature. And just because these stories contain magic does not make them less real, but more real. Our God is a God of miracles. If miracles have ceased, it is because the hearts and minds of men and women have been imprisoned behind bars of lies, cynicism, and unbelief. We are drawn to escapist art because our souls are crying out to be set free. And the truth shall set us free. Like a bright shaft of light, sharper than a two-edged sword, the truth will pierce the mists of darkness, it will shatter the glass through which we see darkly, and rend the veil that separates us from the Real real world and the joy and the beauty and the glory of our Heavenly Father. The Truth can help us to see things as they really are, not the flimsy, fleeting shadows that we have wrapped around ourselves. The Truth can show us that we are children of Almighty God, clothed in power and bursting with glory and that no chains can hold us down and no prison bars can separate us from the love of Christ our Savior. If we believe in any way that we are small or weak or unloved or past saving, then we must escape such lies and embrace the truth. And the truth shall set us free.


Through Doing


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