Let My Love Open The Door
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20). When we have closed ourselves off from the Savior, Jesus Christ nevertheless remains as close as He can be, knocking on the doors of our hearts, waiting for us to open the door and let Him back in. But what about when we can't open the door? What happens when tragedy has jammed the door, or we're so deeply surrounded by darkness that we can't find the latch, or in a fit of overwhelming pain we threw away the key and now we can't find it, or we've so collapsed under the weight of our grief that our strength is utterly spent and we can't even drag ourselves over to the door much less open it? What happens when we can hear the knocking of the One we ought to love the most and Who loves us more than we could ever fathom and Who is in fact Love Incarnate, and yet, we cannot open the door? In 1980, Pete Townshend released the song "Let My Love Open The Door." Here are some of the lyrics: "When everything feels all over, when everyone seems unkind…take all the worry out of your mind, Let My Love Open The Door to your heart…I have the only key to your heart, I can stop you from falling apart…Release yourself from misery, there's only one thing that's gonna set you free…When tragedy befalls you, don't let it get you down, love can cure your problems, you're so lucky that I'm around, let my love open the door to your heart." Christ respects our agency. He won't kick the door down and barge in if we don't want Him. But if in our heart of hearts we do want to let Him in but we just can't open the door, then He tells us, Let My Love Open The Door. When everything feels all over, when everything is falling apart, when tragedy befalls us, His love can open the door and He can help us to pick up the pieces and pick us up off the floor and cure all of our problems. It is better when we hear our Savior knocking to choose to let Him in, but when we can't do that, He has the key to our heart and He'll open the door when we go longer have the strength. It breaks Christ's heart to see us trapped in misery, and if we can't figure out how to let go of the pain, then Christ will let Himself in and save us and set us free. He will unjam the door, He will chase back the darkness, He will help us find love again and He will lift up our hands that hang down and strengthen our feeble knees and wipe away all tears from our eyes and wrap us up in His loving embrace.