Becoming Worthy Of Our Worth

What is the difference between having worth and being worthy? We are told in the scriptures that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God, that His work and His glory is to bring to pass our immortality and eternal salvation. We were each valued enough by our Savior for Him to suffer an infinite amount. Nothing that we succeed or fail at can change our inherent worth. But what about our worthiness? The difference between worth and worthy is a single letter 'y'. 'Y' in English is a suffix that carries the meaning 'characterized by or inclined to' the root word it is attached to, and also 'allowing, fostering, or bringing about' the root word it is attached to. When we are worthy it means we are living up to the worth and esteem with which God holds us. When we are worthy it means we are allowing and fostering and bringing about the natural divinity which resides in each of us. Our worth to God is infinite and unchanging. Our worthiness depends on our own efforts and attitudes and inclinations. We are worthy when we show by our actions and our intentions that we value our own souls as much as our Heavenly Father does. The Savior was willing to pay any price to show us how much we are worth. Does that not then mean that we should be willing to pay any price to show the Lord that we are worthy of His sacrifice? God already knows how much we are worth. He knows it in His bones because He took upon Himself, in the flesh, all of our pain and sorrow and misery. The more and more that we are inclined to believe God's value of us, the more we try to live up to the worth He places on us, the more we seek to allow and foster and bring about and let shine through our divine worth, the closer our worth and our worthiness will be.


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