One Good Thing

I was reading today about Abraham's negotiation with the Lord for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. In a city of perhaps tens of thousands of people, just ten righteous people were enough to make it worth saving. When we consider the greatness of God, and His mission to develop us into beings as great as He is, it is so very easy to become discouraged by our own weakness and nothingness in comparison. We can look at the tens of thousands of things wrong with us and conclude that we aren't worth saving. And I looked at that same conversation between Abraham and the Lord but imagined the roles were reversed. I imagined the Lord saying to me, well, if I could show you fifty examples of your strength and goodness, would you allow me to save you? And if you don't believe I can find fifty food things, then what about forty-five, or forty or thirty or twenty or ten? If I could just show you one of the ways I love you, one of the ways your soul shines out like a beacon of hope, one of the ways your faith is unshakeable, one of the ways you selflessly waste and wear out your soul in service and love to others, then would you let me save you? I know that God loves us in ways we can't begin to understand, and that He will not give up on us if there is even the faintest glimmer of goodness still in us.


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