Have Life Abundantly
“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. Christ didn’t come down to save us just so we could live a life of drudgery. He didn’t save us so that we could become dull, lifeless obedience machines. He saved us so we could have life, and have life abundantly. We exist on this earth so that we might have joy. Yes there will be hard times and lean times, and we may have to give up and sacrifice a lot of things that we’re convinced would make our life better. But the Savior has promised that what we give up we will receive a hundredfold if we follow Him. As we come unto Christ, He has promised to open up the windows of heaven and to pour out a blessing so big that we will not have room enough to receive it. The closer and closer we align ourselves to God’s will, the clearer and clearer we feel and recognize the promptings of the spirit, the more our eyes will be opened to the abundance that the Lord has in store for us. We shouldn’t follow the Savior just because we will one day have eternal life. Not all of our rewards await us in the world to come. We should follow the Savior because our life will be so much fuller and richer than it could possibly be without Him.