General And Specific Conference

The word conference comes from the verb confer. To confer can mean both to come together to have discussions and also to grant or bestow. I think it is important that we consider both of these meanings as we prepare for General Conference. We call it a General Conference because it is a general assembly of all who are interested in coming together to discuss and exchange ideas about our Heavenly Father and His work and glory. But it is also a Specific Conference in that there are specific gifts and blessings and insights and revelations that the Lord has prepared to confer on each one of us. It is up to us to prepare room in our minds and our hearts to receive these special, specific conferrals of Heavenly wisdom and inspiration. We each have the opportunity to either participate in a general exchange of ideas, or to prayerfully invite the Spirit to confer and convey specific power and authority and responsibility to us. I hope we can all make a greater effort to transform our General Conference into a Specific conferral of personal revelation.


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