What Delay?

I remember listening to a comedian one time who was remarking on how ludicrous it was to complain about the minor conveniences of air travel if you just pause to consider the miracle of flight. For example, when he talked about people who were moaning about their flights being delayed, he said something like, "Delay! What Delay? If you didn't have a plane, it would have taken you six weeks to get where you were going. There is no delay." I thought that this is a good illustration for how we ought to feel when following the Savior and keeping our covenants and living the gospel. When we are on an airplane, we don't always get to do whatever we want to do. We're limited on when we are allowed to get up out of our seat, where we are allowed to go, what kinds of food we can eat, whom we are sitting next to. But we put up with these inconveniences because it allows us to get to where we are going far, far quicker than any other way. It is the same with living the gospel. Perhaps it seems like our freedoms and our choices are to some degree limited, but we make those sacrifices because it lets us get where we want to go far, far quicker than any other way. If it seems like our flight itinerary has more layovers than it should, or if we seem to be stuck in coach while others are in first class, or we had to stay on the tarmac longer than expected, or we can't stand the people sitting next to us, we can at least remember that in spite of all of this, the Lord is lifting us up, as on the wings of eagles, and carrying us over the chaos and confusion of the world and delivering us to a place of new understanding, new joy and happiness and peace. If we don't always make as much progress as quickly as we want when we are following the Savior, if we feel like we are being delayed once again, we just need to take a moment and remember that any delays are tiny compared to the time and suffering we fly over when we choose to journey with the Lord in His Way, which is high, high above and far, far quicker than any other way.


Waking Up


To Adorn, To Sanctify, And To Anoint