Choose To Be Chosen

I was thinking about the word "chosen," as in, "many are called, but few are chosen." The word chosen is the past participle of the verb choose. Participles serve various grammatical functions, but one of the most common is essentially transforming a verb into an adjective. We could think of it like a verb being used so often that it becomes a central part of the actor's character or makeup. So, in order to be chosen, we must choose so often that one of the things that describes us best is chosen, or one who chooses. To be chosen isn't so much about getting picked from a lineup of potential candidates as it is exercising our agency and making choices so often that the only way to describe us is as a chooser or as chosen. I may be bending the principles of grammar to make a point, but I think it makes a lot more sense that being chosen has much less to do with fate or external forces and much more to do with our ability and our commitment to making choices. To be chosen has everything to do with our own personal agency and it is our decision, our choice, whether we want to be chosen or not.


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