Miniscule Change Of Heart

In Alma Chapter 5, Alma asks us, "Have you experienced a mighty change of heart?" I think that mighty carries with it the promise of just how completely the Lord can change our lives if we will let Him. But I think that mighty can also be a little intimidating and we might be tempted to devalue or disregard any changes that in our eyes are much more miniscule. First of all, we are terrible judges of what kinds of changes might in reality be mighty or minuscule. In our minds, if this one specific thing were to happen, it would dramatically and irrevocably bring huge changes to our lives. But then, maybe, we get that job or go out with that person or buy that shiny new device and, yes, maybe our lives did change, but maybe it didn't permanently fix everything that was wrong with us. And, on the other hand, maybe we are postponing making some tiny change because we are convinced that it will have no effect. But then, we actually start drinking eight glasses of water, or donating an extra five dollars in our fast offerings, or finally clean out the closet we've been ignoring for four years, and to our utter assignment, such minuscule changes end up making a mighty difference. Naaman almost gave up the chance to be cured of his leprosy because he thought that bathing in the river Jordan was not mighty enough. Thousands of Israelites perished from poisoned wounds because they thought that looking at a brazen spent was not mighty enough. Jesus's disciples were convinced that five loaves and two fishes were not mighty enough to feed five thousand. Let us put our trust in the Lord and have faith that the minuscule changes He inspires us to make will result in mighty changes of our hearts. I know that by small and simple and miniscule things are great and might changes brought to pass.


Feet Shod With The Preparation Of The Gospel


In Your Patience Possess Ye Your Souls