Shall Not See

In Jeremiah 17, Jeremiah compares those who put their trust in man or the flesh to trees planted in the wilderness, or a "salt land", who "shall not see when good cometh" (v.6). On the other hand, those who put their trust in the Lord are like "a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green" (v.8). Trying to find strength or happiness or a sense of purpose or meaning in the strength and wisdom of the world is a fool's errand. It is a wilderness and a salt land, and wandering around in it will drive us so mad with thirst that even when something good does come along, we will be too delirious to see it. However, if instead we put our trust in the Lord, then we will have a fountain of living waters springing up inside us, so that we will never thirst again. As our confidence in the Lord's promises grows and deepens, we will be so immersed in the Lord's thoughts and ways that when the fiery trials of adversity rage, we shall not see the heat, but our leaves will remain green. The more fully we abandon the Lord to put our trust in the world, the less and less we will be able to see any good in it or in ourselves. But the more fully we abandon the world and put our trust in the Lord, the less and less we will be able to see the evil in our God's designs for the world in general and for our lives specifically. The world is a land of salt because all who have sought happiness or peace or comfort or solace or strength have watered it with bitter, salty tears, utterly exhausted at trying to find meaning where there is none. In his recent talk "Overcoming the World and Finding Rest", President Nelson said, "The truth is that it is much more exhausting to seek happiness where you can never find it! However, when you yoke yourself to Jesus Christ and do the spiritual work required to overcome the world, He, and He alone, does have the power to lift you above the pull of this world." When we plant ourselves like a tree in a barren, salty land, we will wither and shrink until we can no longer see the good. When we plant ourselves like a tree next to the river of God's light and love and truth, we will weather any storms that life throws at us, such that we will not see the heat but our leaves will remain green and we will continue to produce the fruits of happiness and peace and understanding in abundance.


Broken Pieces

