An Infinity Of Fulness
I read a scripture today that described God as having "an infinity of fulness" (D&C 109:77). This seems like a contradiction in terms. Infinite means without ends or borders or edges. And fulness means filled completely to the top or to the edge. How can God be both filled to the brim and yet have no brim? How can He be all knowing and yet at the same time deeply interested in even the tiniest, seemingly most boring moments of His children's lives? How can He be everywhere at the same time and yet so deeply present with each of us when we need Him the most? To be God is to, at the same time, love one individual with ones whole soul and being and yet somehow to love every soul just as fully. That's partly what an infinity of fulness means. God loves me with a fulness and an intimacy and a potency that defies description. And He loves you with a fulness and an intimacy and a potency that defies description. And He loves each and every creation that Has lived or will ever live with that same fulness.