Our Heavenly Father is a perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful being and it stands to reason that a perfect creator would make equally perfect creations, but that is not what happened. “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31). Everything that God made was very good, but not perfect. If God has the capacity to make perfect things, then why would He limit Himself to making good things instead? By starting with the good, God left His creations unfinished but with the opportunity to grow and improve. If He had made everything perfect from the get go, then there would have been no need to advance or learn. How often do we hold ourselves back from trying something new because we’re afraid that if we try, we will do it imperfectly at the beginning? We could learn a lot from the example of our Heavenly Father by starting with the good. If we start out good, then maybe we can work our way towards better. And then towards best. And if we keep at it, eventually we might just make it to perfect. If we can call it a day and look back at what we’ve done and see that it was good, then we are taking part in our Heavenly Father’s great work and glory. I hope that we can all go about doing good and actually get engaged in the process of learning and growing from grace to grace and doing a little bit better everyday rather than sitting on the sidelines and waiting for perfect to come along. Perfect comes after good, not the other way around.