Looking Low Enough

"Modern man can't see God because he doesn't look low enough," (Carl Jung). When Naaman, the Syrian captain came to the prophet Elisha seeking divine healing for his leprosy, he expected some great and mighty deed to accomplish this great miracle. But instead he was asked to find God and His healing power in the lowly River Jordan. Almost he forewent being healed because he would not look low enough. When the Jews at the time of Jesus chose to deny the Christ, they did so because Jesus came out of Nazareth, and they couldn't believe their long awaited Savior could come from Nazareth, a place from which no good thing comes. They would not look low enough and thus they couldn't see God. When Joseph Smith was imprisoned in Liberty Jail and thrust down into Hell, He found that God had descended even lower than that. God has always accomplished His mighty works through small and simple things. If you're pride is telling you that some small change in your life won't make a difference, or is beneath your dignity, then it's a good indication that you should do that thing because God is trying to give you something small enough and low enough to work on today, right now, that will change your life far more quickly and effectively than waiting around for some big epic quest ever could.


Heaven On Earth


Putting Our Own House In Order