Mother Of All Living
"And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living." (Genesis 3:20). In addition to many of the obvious ways that mothers are essential for all living things, there is a way that mothers are uniquely responsible for life on the most fundamental level. Let's talk about mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles within all living cells. They allow cells to create energy and nothing that is alive could exist without them. One unique thing about mitochondria is that they have their own separate DNA. And a unique thing about mitochondrial DNA is that it is passed on solely through the mother. This is true in humans, animals, plants, and fungi. While each of our DNA is a combination of our father's and mother's DNA, our mitochondria, which are the things that allow our cells to live and function, comes solely from our mothers. We have such a special relationship with our mothers because we carry a piece of them that is uniquely theirs in each and every one of our cells. Not only did our mother's give us life by growing us within their own bodies, but they give us life from moment to moment as the mitochondria in our cells provides us with power and energy. The very last thing that our Heavenly Father created was mothers. After that, God rested, because mothers took over the job of creation from there and have been giving life to all living things ever since. I know that none of us could be here without our mothers. We owe them everything. Happy Mother's Day.