As Fast As Ye Are Able

"And I will order all things for your good, as fast as ye are able to receive them." (D&C 111:11). The real bottleneck in us receiving blessings from the Lord is us. God has all power both in Heaven and on Earth and His greatest desire is to give us everything that He has. It is our capacity to receive that is limited. Have you ever bought one of those cheap phone chargers from online or from a gas station? You plug your phone in and an hour later the battery has only gone up like 3 or 4 percent? And then there are those rapid chargers that can take you from zero to 70% in under 15 minutes. The more we keep the commandments and pray sincerely and act in faith and repent daily, the more we will refine our capacity to receive all that the Lord has in store for us. We can hand in our corroded, deformed, low-gauge hearts for new hearts, hearts that can receive the power from heaven with a little higher voltage. The more and more we get closer to our Heavenly Father, the faster and faster the powers of Heaven will flood into our lives.


Whole Heart


Swallowed Up