Behind The Firewall

“For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.” (Zechariah 2:5). To be baptized means to be fully and completely immersed. Therefore, to be baptized by fire, we must be fully and completely engulfed in the Spirit of God like a fire burning. Not only does the burning glory of the constant companionship refine and purify our hearts and our minds and our souls, but it also creates a wall of fire round about us that can prevent any temptations, attacks, or viruses from those intent on seeking our destruction. The greater emphasis we place on seeking and qualifying for and maintaining the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, the more intense, and secure, and all encompassing will be our firewall to protect us from Satan and his influence. The Holy Ghost can help us to feel our Heavenly Father’s love, remember the Sacrifice and the power of Jesus Christ’s atonement, fortify our testimony and our commitment to the Gospel. All of these and more help to neutralize any threats that come our way, so that the fiery darts of the adversary will nevertheless burn up in the far greater blaze of our Father’s love and power and glory.


An Enemy To God


Making History