“Behold, this is your work, to keep my commandments, yea, with all your might, mind and strength.” (D&C 11:20). We sometimes like to pretend that living the gospel or making our way through life is unbelievably complicated. But it all boils down to keeping the Commandments with all our might, mind, and strength. That is the sum total of our work. No more, and no less. Like Naaman we might feel cheated to be asked to do something so simple. Aren't we meant for something grander and more impressive than merely keeping the commandments? Isn't there some better work that we could be given? Perhaps one that would make a real difference in the world? If we do feel that the work we have been given is inconsequential or beneath us, then we have not understood it properly. Keeping the commandments is a work that has only been successfully carried out with absolute protection by exactly one person - Jesus Christ. It takes real effort and practice and quite a lot of failure to get even close to keeping the commandments with even a fraction of heart, might, and mind. That's why the Lord calls it our work, because it does take real work to give it a serious go at really keeping the commandments. But if we are truly striving to do this work with all of our heart, might, and mind, then we will slowly begin to comprehend that this is important and vital work that will give ourselves the best chance at happiness and peace not only in our lives but also for the world as a whole.