Aluminum Oxide
When certain metals like iron oxidize, we typically call this rusting. Rust is a soft, flaky layer that forms on the surface of some metals when exposed to the elements which robs the metal of many of its strengths and virtues. This rust flakes off, exposing a new layer of metal to air and water, which causes that layer to rust, and bit by bit, the world eats away at the metal until it has been all used up. Aluminum, although on its own it is a softer and lighter metal than iron, does not rust like iron does. When any surface of pure aluminum is exposed to oxygen, it immediately forms a layer of aluminum oxide a few nanometers thick. Aluminum oxide is actually harder than pure aluminum, much harder. It's what rubies and sapphires are made of and on the Mohs scale of hardness it ranks right behind diamonds. It also holds up remarkably well against air or water or acids or bases. Iron, when exposed to the elements, becomes weaker and weaker, but aluminum only becomes stronger when it is exposed to the elements. We are meant to be in the world but not of the world. Whether we like it or not, despite how little or how much we seek to prevent it, we will be exposed constantly to the corrosive influence of the world. If we try to rely on our own strength to weather the elements, then no matter how strong we might believe ourselves to be, we will rust and flake and fall apart just like iron. However, if we put on the whole armor of God, we can face the challenges that come our way and we can become even stronger as the Spirit forms a protective layer around us that will not react to the corrosive influence of the world, but will keep us safe and protected. I know that if we will let Him the Lord will go before our face and be on our right hand and on our left and send His angels to bear us up as on the wings of eagles. Relying on our own strength will only see us grow weaker and weaker, but relying on the Lord will see us grow stronger and stronger.