There is a series of films starting with The Santa Clause about a cynical toymaker named Scott Calvin who inadvertently finds himself becoming Santa Claus. This happens due to a magical contract initiated when he first put on the Santa Suit. In each subsequent film, they look at that contract through a series of greater and greater magnifying lenses to discover new clauses in the contract that must be obeyed. I believe this can be a helpful image to have in mind when we consider what it means to magnify our callings. Whenever we are first called, we may have a broad, low-resolution idea of what our calling is and what our duties and responsibilities are meant to be and what blessings may come as a result of our faithful service. However, if we truly strive to serve in our callings with all of our heart, might, mind and strength, seeking always the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost to lead and guide us, then the Lord will open our eyes and magnify our vision and we will each time perceive new and greater details about our callings and their attendant blessings than we ever could have imagined. If we end our service in a calling with the same basic understanding that we started out with, then we have not fully taken advantage of the opportunity to truly magnify our callings. If we pray with a sincere heart and real intent, having faith in Christ, God will give us a series of ever greater magnifying lenses through which we may view and study and understand our callings and all of the intricate nuances and hidden moments of grace and joy that could be ours so long as we do more than merely grudgingly go through the motions. I hope we all jump at the chance to truly magnify our callings.