The Lesser Evil

Usually, when we talk about the lesser evil, we're referring to a situation where we are presented with two bad choices and we have to try and figure out which of the two is the lesser evil. But I think there can be another way of looking at "the lesser evil." Whenever we have two choices in front of us, we should ask ourselves, is this choice going to lessen the evil in our hearts and in the world around us, or is it going to increase that evil? Every time we choose to be kind, to forgive, to sacrifice our time and our talents and our energies in the service of others, we are choosing to make the world a little less evil. We may at times face an array of what seems like nothing but bad choices, but before we decide which choice seems to be the least bad for our own comfort and convenience, we should try to determine which choice is going to be the lesser evil, or in other words, which choice is going to go the farthest towards making the world a less evil place. Often on the road to the "Greater Good", a lot of "lesser evil" choices end up actually increasing the evil and misery in the world. The Lord will never leave us with only evil choices. He will always provide for us a way to escape. This escape will not always be easy. The path to lesser evil may mean pain and sacrifice and broken hearts for us or for our families and friends in the short term, but if we have to sacrifice our own comfort temporarily to create a less evil world for ourselves and for future generations, then surely it is a price worth paying.


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They Helped Forward The Affliction