“ Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3). If we are born again, then we can see the Kingdom of God. Being born again includes receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost to be our constant companion. Many in our modern world, bereft of the precious gift of the Spirit, claim that truth is fuzzy and hard to define. It would make sense if a bunch of near-sighted people all looked into the distance at some object that there might be dozens of different answers, since everyone would be guessing and filling in the gaps in their perception with their own interpretations. No wonder the claim is made today that truth is relative and in the eyes of the beholder. But if we can’t see very well, then what we behold will not be particularly striking or powerful. But if we are born again and take with us as our constant companion the Holy Ghost, it is like putting on a pair of contacts. Most contact lenses are taken off at the end of each day before sleeping and put on again first thing in the morning. But besides that, most people who use contacts don’t often take them off and put them back on multiple times throughout the day. And who would? While wearing contacts we can have unobstructed clear vision all the time. We don’t have glasses that fog up or slip off the edge of our nose. It can be the same with the Spiritual Vision that the Holy Ghost brings. We can invite the Spirit into our lives first thing in the morning, and have Him to be with us until we go to sleep. By doing so, we can have a clear, unobstructed vision of the Kingdom of God all the time, without any mists of darkness clouding our vision or causing us to look beyond the mark. We can stumble around blindly, or try our best to put on and off like a pair of glasses the heavenly influence of the Holy Spirit whenever it suits us, or we can take the Holy Ghost as our constant companion and see clearly all the time.