Inner Ears

When we consider the function of ears, we mostly think about their ability to hear. But in addition to allowing us to process sounds, our inner ears are also responsible for maintaining our sense of balance. Just as there is a special relationship between our sense of hearing and our sense of balance in the physical world, the same is true in a spiritual sense. The Savior invites all who have ears to hear to let them hear His words and follow Him. The more that we refine our Spiritual ears to hear the words of the Lord, the greater will be our Spiritual sense of balance. Listening to the still, small voice of the Spirit brings a sense of stillness to the unbalancing chaos of our lives. The more we give heed to the words of the Lord, the more we build ourselves upon the unshakeable rock of our Redeemer, so that we will not fall down. If we are new to walking the gospel path, or coming back after a long absence, our steps might be faltering at first. We may try to listen for the Spirit and hear it only muffled and faintly at first. We may stumble and wobble as we attempt to understand and do our Father’s will. But faith invites power, obedience brings blessings, and listening to the Spirit perfects both our ability to hear the still small voice and maintain our balance amid the storms and whirlwinds of life. We can try to block up our ears to the whisperings of the Spirit, but not only will we wander off into strange paths, but we will lose our ability to keep our balance.


Saving Time For/With The Temple


Both Shoulders