Spiritual Spectacles

I have myopia. Everything past a couple of feet gets blurry unless I'm wearing glasses. I can technically get by doing some things without them but I pretty much need to wear them everyday. In a recent talk, President Nelson talked about being myopic about God's plan for us. Prayer and scripture study can help to correct our spiritual myopia. When we are filled with the heavenly inspiration that comes from really studying the scriptures in our mind and heart then everything about our purpose in life and our ultimate destination becomes much clearer and we are much more able to discern between right and wrong. Just like I can technically get by a day without wearing my glasses, I could technically get by for a day without reading my scriptures and praying but everything would be a little harder than it needed to be. By spending time each day studying and pondering the scriptures and praying for guidance, we can correct our spiritual myopia and see our Heavenly Father's plan a little clearer.


A Time To Every Purpose


You Have Learned Your Driving In A Hard School