One of the advantages of a savings account over a checking account is that a savings account accrues interest. Yes, according to the Parable of the Talents, we are to take what gifts have been entrusted to us and multiply them, but when that is not possible, we can at least put them into a savings account so that they can collect interest. The Savior says as much. “Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.” (Matthew 25:27). There are times in our lives when it is neither prudent nor even possible to faithfully exercise our talents as much as we might like. We may be blessed with many attributes and qualities that would make us a great wife or husband, and yet we can't seem to find an eternal companion, or we might make a great mother or father, and yet struggle and fail year after year to have any children. We may be a great speaker and yet get throat cancer. We may be a stunning athlete, and yet become paralyzed in an accident. When the Lord's timing does not match up with our own, we can at the very least put all of our deferred and promised blessings into a Savings account so that they may continue to collect interest while we must wait. Jesus Christ is all about saving. That's why we call Him the Savior. How much different would it be for us to take the perspective that the Lord is not withholding or denying us blessings but that He is saving them for us? Perhaps we are not ready to receive the blessing and perhaps the blessing is not yet ready for us. Every day we wait, the interest grows a little more and the blessing becomes even more wonderful. If we must give our talent to the exchangers so that when the Lord returns He will receive His own with usury, then at His return He will say even unto us, “Well done thou good and faithful and patient servant, enter into the rest of the Lord.”