Without The Temples We Cannot See
We call the supporting arms of eyeglasses that extend over the ears temples. For those of us who need glasses, without the support of the temples we would not be able to see, as the eyeglasses would slide off our faces. As it is physically, so it is spiritually. Just as our physical vision would suffer without the support of the temples in our glasses, our spiritual vision also suffers without the support of the temples in our lives. Christ said "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8). "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;" (Psalms 24:3-4). It is a requirement that we do our best to have clean hands and a pure heart before we enter the temple, but it is in the temple that our hearts become even purer still and with the support of temples, our hearts can become so pure that we can see God. Without glasses, my vision is blurry. I can still make out the general shape of things, but nothing is sharp or distinct or clear. Without the temple in our lives, we may have a general sense that God is on our side, but we will struggle to see the sharp, distinct, clear evidences of His all-encompassing love, His tender mercies, His unwavering support for us in all of our righteous efforts. But when we make an effort to support our vision with the temple, then we can fix in place the purifying influence of the Holy Ghost and ensure that we may see God in all of His glorious manifestations in the details of our lives.