The word rejoice comes to English from the French and is composed of the elements re-, which means again, and -joice, which means joy. So to rejoice means to have joy again. When our Heavenly Father revealed His plan of Happiness and announced that He would send Jesus Christ to be our Savior, the Heavens shouted for Joy. This Joy filled the immensity of space and reverberated across the eternities and was with us all in the beginning and will remain strong and vibrant and undying for all of those who embrace God's Plan of Happiness and come unto Christ to be saved. This is the one, true, everlasting, capital J Joy. When we rejoice, we experience again an echo or a recollection of this great Joy. Joy is the unshakeable foundation and undeniable reason for the Universe's existence. Joy is in and through and a part of all things. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, in the face of horrible tragedies, we sometimes allow the cares of this world to drown out and make us lose sight of and forget Joy. But all we have to do is rejoice and remember that one great, everlasting Joy. It will always be there, whenever we choose to reach out and feel Joy once more.