Every Piece Fits
Some theoretical Physicists have this idea that a lot of the parts of our universe that don't seem to follow our understanding of how things work could easily be explained if we allow for the fact that the universe is made up of many more dimensions than the three spatial dimensions plus time that we are so familiar with. These are dimensions that we would have no way of seeing and we couldn't even really imagine - the best we can do is approximate what kind of shadows they might leave, in the same way that a three dimensional cube leaves a two dimensional shadow of a square. The point I'm trying to make with all of this physics mumbo jumbo is that the world is much more complicated than we can comprehend. Sometimes we look out at our lives or our families and our communities and we think we see a puzzle and we are convinced that the puzzle piece that we are doesn't fit anywhere. In fact, our puzzle piece doesn't even seem to match any of the colors on the picture on the box. And maybe it seems like our puzzle piece doesn't even have any blanks or tabs (the holes or parts that stick out). From our perspective, we don't fit anywhere. But our perspective is limited. We may only be able to see a flat, two dimensional puzzle and flat, two dimensional puzzle pieces, but the universe has so many more dimensions than that. Our puzzle piece may not seem to fit at first glance, but there are so many more slots and tabs sticking out in more directions than we can possibly imagine. God knows what He's doing. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He can see many more dimensions than we can and if He has placed us in a certain place, it is because we fit better there than anywhere else - maybe not in the dimensions that we can see, but in so many other dimensions, we fit there perfectly. None of God's children are flat or two dimensional. We can't be reduced to simple labels or stereotypes. The popular jock plays D&D. The violent criminal tenderly cares for the plant growing in his cell window. The mousy librarian goes to raves on the weekend. The sous chef at the fancy restaurant secretly loves Taco Bell. We all have so many layers to us and can relate to one another on so many different levels and can fit together like puzzle pieces in so many different dimensions. I hope all of us can trust that Heavenly Father has all of the details worked out and that we will have the humility and the courage to ask the Lord to open our eyes and let us see the real puzzle in all of its many dimensional glory and how perfectly we each fit, every last one of us.