Not When But How

When the Lord promises that He will "come quickly", this is not an answer to the question "when" but to the question "how". We may wait upon the Lord for days or months or years and think that the Lord isn't being very quick about getting back to us. But, again, it's not a question of how soon but rather how sudden. It must have been a long hike up Mount Moriah for Abraham and his son Isaac, and time must have stretched even longer still as he prepared the altar and bound his son. But the Lord came in the time it might have took for Abraham to lower the knife for the final strike. It was that fast. As soon as Abraham took that last step on his journey the Lord was there instantly. Quickly. It can be hard waiting for the Lord to quickly come, just as it was hard for the believers in the time of Christ's coming to wait for the sign prophesied by Samuel the Lamanite. But the Lord can be by our side in the blink of an eye. If we hold to our faith and endure, we will see the Lord's coming in His own due time, and we will be forced to admit that He did in fact come quickly.


Dragons Can Be Beaten


Abandoning All Hope