Fishing With The Net
This morning President Russell M Nelson stated that the gospel net covers the whole Earth. Thanks to the internet, this is not just a figurative statement. We are all literally connected by one vast net and it is incredibly simple to reach almost anyone in the world in a single instant. When Jesus called Simon and Andrew and James and John, He promised them that He would make them fishers of men. More than any time in all of history, in our day we can truly be fishers of men and women. Just as fishers would use a net to bring in fish in their day, we can use the Net to bring men and women to Christ. Too many use the Net to ensnare and entangle and strangle and destroy others through vile or hateful or trollish messages. But we have the opportunity to use the Net to further God’s work on the Earth. We can choose to fill the internet with our light and love and goodness. We can draw family and friends and even strangers to the Gospel and help them to disentangle themselves from the parts of the Net that are only trying to drag them down. For as much of the Internet that is vile and horrible and disgusting, I know that the Lord placed this net upon the Earth for a wise purpose and He wants us to leave aside the nets of the world and take up the Net of the gospel and become fishers of men and women, even precious children of our Heavenly Father.