God will never say ‘I Told You So’...But He Did Tell Us So
Why did God bother warning Adam and Eve not to partake of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? He knew they were going to do it. He even knew that it was necessary that they should do it. God knows us perfectly. He knows when we are going to ignore His warnings. So why does He warn us? He’s not trying to heap more guilt on our heads. He’s not saving up for some massive “I Told You So” moment. He warns us because He loves us. Because He never stops believing in us. He wants what’s best for us and He is going to warn us about the pit up ahead even if He knows we’re going to forget His warning and walk right into it. He warns us because even though He knows with perfect certainty that we will overlook or forget or ignore or set aside or despise His warnings, He doesn’t give up hope that we will eventually choose to listen and heed His warnings. God establishes with each of us an unshakeable foundation of loving guidance so that we can always look back and say, yes, God did try to stop me from making that stupid mistake. Maybe this time I will listen and do what He says because I know from a thousand previous examples that He always has my best interest at heart and His warnings always come true. I know that God will never stop warning us from bringing harm to ourselves or to others, and He knows that eventually we will start to listen to Him more often than not.