Thanks A Million
When we talk about thanks, it's always giving thanks. We don't ever trade or buy or sell or borrow or steal or coerce our thanks, but always we give thanks. The wonderful thing about gratitude is that it is not a finite resource. We have an infinite supply of thanks and we can give a million thanks a billion times and never, ever run out of thanks. Gratitude is not something we ever need to be stingy with. We don't have to save it up for special occasions. We don't have to keep some running tally of who owes whom x number of thanks. If we do something nice for someone and they don't thank us, that doesn't diminish our supply of thanks, nor should it stop us from thanking them when they have done something nice for us. In any case, gratitude is in many instances much more beneficial for the one doing the thanking than the one receiving thanks. When we receive not just with a grateful heart but go out of our way to give thanks, we value that gift far more than we otherwise would have. Giving thanks may or may not be acknowledged or appreciated by the one we are thanking, but it will make a big difference to us, and besides, we have an unlimited supply of thanks so there's basically no downside, and anyway, our thanks just might mean the world to them.