Choose Good, Then Choose Better, Then Choose Best

In President Nelson's talk, "The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation," he says "[God's] plan of eternal progression is not complicated, and it honors your agency." I almost don't even want to elaborate on that sentence because it's so perfect in its simplicity. God's plan really is simple. Start out by choosing good over evil, and if you manage that, then start choosing better over good, and if you get that down, start choosing best over better. Start by trusting God when it's easy, and then when you get that down, start trusting God when it's hard, and then when you can manage that, start trusting God when it's impossible and you'll start to see miracles. Start by loving God, then move on to loving your neighbor, and then redefine even your enemies as your neighbors and love them too. The important thing to remember is that God favors individual agency and responsibility over some complicated system that would remove our agency and force us under its mechanized gears to always do what's right. Sometimes we feel it would be easier if God would just say always do it this exact way and you'll never have to think or make a decision about it again. But even though God's plan is not complicated, life often is. It's not always obvious which choice is the right one, but the more choices we make, and especially the more choices we make with the intent to please and honor our Father, the less complicated life will appear and the more confident we will grow in our agency and our ability to choose the good then the better and then the best choices.


Turning Poison into Medicine


Found in Translation