Christ Will Take Care Of The "URE"

The last of the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel is to endure to the end. The end seems so impossibly, heartbreakingly far distant. It's like a mirage or the end of a rainbow at the far edge of our sight - every time we get closer, it just drifts farther and farther away. How does God expect us to just keep enduring when we are never, ever going to reach the end? Sometimes we might imagine that enduring to the end is like hanging off of the edge of a cliff, except we can never pull ourselves up and no one is ever going to come save us. If this is what we are picturing when we think of enduring to the end, then no wonder does it feel completely impossible and ultimately pointless. Why hang on when we will eventually lose our grip and fall? This idea is a lie from the adversary and not a principle of the Gospel at all. The Savior never intended for "enduring to the end" to mean just white knuckling and teeth gritting until our dying day with no hope for relief or reprieve or redemption. Here's the secret of what "end" means in "endure to the end." It's hidden right inside the word endure! End is the first half of endure. The end is just the beginning. We endure to the END, and then our Savior will take care of the "URE." Like the classic story of two sets of footprints in the sand, we endure until we can't take one more step, and then the Savior picks us up and carries us until we can get back on our feet. We endure to the END and then the Savior helps us to endure to the URE. Enduring to the end is a team effort. We can't do it by ourselves nor should we think that we have to. Enduring to the end is just the beginning. We only have to get things started. Christ is the author and the finisher of our faith. We just get to the end, and He'll take over until we get to the "URE" together. I know that with Christ by our side, we can definitely endure to the END, to the URE, and to everything that lies beyond.




Pulling Back The Veil