We Can’t Dam God’s Light Forever

I tend to think of damnation as something that God does to us. Due to our sins and rebellions, God imposes His power and His will to deny or thwart our forward progress. But I don't think that's how it works. Damnation is actually something that we do to God, or the divine part of us that is from God and wants nothing more than to return to be with God. God is inside each of us. He is every bit as much a part of us as we are of Him. Like a city on a hill or a candle on a candlestick, the part of us that is God can't help but spill out and shine forth, even despite our best efforts. No matter how many bushels of bad decisions and betrayals we heap upon the light of Christ within us, like a plant growing out of a crack in an ocean of asphalt and concrete, the light will find a way through the mists of darkness we've heaped upon our hearts and souls and past all of the dams we've built up, and when we least expect it, the light will shine forth and brighten up our lives and the world around us. No matter how depraved or hardened or lost or broken or angry or miserable or despicable or damned, every time we scratch a puppy behind the ears, or swing a child around in our arms or stop even for an instant to smell the roses, God's light gets past our dams. We can't stop it. We might as well thrust forth our puny arm to turn back the Missouri river. God does not damn us. We can try to damn the divine part inside us, but the dams we build will always be weaker than the God we are trying to hold back. We may from time to time give up the fight in the battle for our souls, but God will never give up. We are damned only for as long as we choose to damn the divine within us.


Holding Our Peace


Spiritual Nutrients