Today Is A Gift

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why they call it the present." - Kung Fu Panda. The Lord has given us a gift of the present moment and has entrusted us to be wise stewards of this time. What we do with this present is up to us and how we choose to spend our time shows the Lord how much or how little we value this gift we've been given. If we take no thought as to what we should do with our time, it is rather like leaving the present unopened and neglected. But if we are wise stewards and we unwrap the present we have been given and do all we can to make each second count, so that we are using our time so well that each second feels like a hundred, then God will see that we are wise stewards who value the present that we have been given and He will show us the way to make our time even more valuable and profitable.


Receiving The Gift Of Wisdom


Stripping Ourselves of Jealousy, Fear, And Pride