Grace And Peace Be Multiplied Unto You

“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,” (2 Peter 1:2). We sometimes may fall into the trap of believing that we have learned all that we possibly can in this life about the gospel and that our knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord is just about as good as it can get for this stage in our eternal development. We may still attend church and read the scriptures so that we may feel the Spirit, but without any great expectation that we will learn or discover anything new that we haven't already read or heard a hundred times. But when adversity and trials rear their ugly heads and we are being tempted it seems above what we are able and we are compelled to rely solely upon the merits of He who is mighty to save, we are reminded that there is just so very much about our Heavenly Father and our Savior that we do not know. But when we need our Savior's grace more than anything and when we desire above all else the peace of the Lord, we can take some measure of comfort in the fact that we have this promise - that knowledge of our God and Savior will multiply grace and peace unto us. As we deepen our knowledge of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, this knowledge will allow us to perceive the much more subtle and intricate ways that God's grace can bless our lives. We will be able to more swiftly and surely navigate life's perils as we get better and better at observing the Hand of the Lord in our lives. This knowledge will also lead us to not only trust that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us, but we will grow to understand that plan more and more. We will no longer face our trials with fear and panic and despair, but we will have peace that what we are going through will work together for our good. In the moments of calm and ease in our lives, we owe it to ourselves to keep acquiring knowledge of our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ so that we can multiply the grace and peace in our lives so that we are fully prepared to meet the next challenges in our lives. I know that it is possible to grow in knowledge of the Godhead every single day and that none of our efforts to understand God and His plan for us are ever wasted.




Food And Cheer And Song